ZELAH™ Palm Leaf

Check out our palm-leaf products

Paper straws

High quality paper straws for sustainable use

Unique designs

Special shaped Palm plates

We have the only straws that are certified moah/ mosh and 3-mcpd (carcinogens) free.

They last twice as long as most paper straws due to the paper quality and can even sustain themselves in hot beverages. Our “Hello Straw®” brand of paper straws have an exclusive glue formulae that prevents aerated drinks from losing their aeration which is a first in the world. They also can withstand hot liquids at 70ºC (154ºF) for upto 1 hour.

Our areca palm plates and products are nature’s best answer to single use plastic and paper food containers.

They are sustainably sourced from fallen dry leaves of the Areca palm plants and made at source in India. They are the most sustainable and ethical single use products due to the all natural lifecycle of the products. Our Areca palm products are FDA/EU certified and UV cleaned.

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